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Resultaten 1 - 18 van ongeveer 18
Engels Looking properly
Looking properly nautical in a navy and white-striped coatdress and a hat that looks like an American sailor's cap, she clung to her husband's side, gazed into his eyes as though he were in command, and cooed: "I want to see it, too."
Contexte : Visite d'un navire de guerre par la Princesse de Galles.
Je ne vois pas comment traduire "looking properly"
Source : Star 14 mai 1985
En français de France
Merci de votre aide

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Habillée comme il se doit...
Engels The honeymoon's over as his stuffiness and her...
The honeymoon's over as his stuffiness
and her spending sprees spark a spate
of spats between them.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans La lune de miel...
Engels New Idea
She has worked it out that she is not going to follow the old pattern or conduct her life along particular lines.
Article paru dans un magazine australien, New idea le 13 fevrier 1982. En français de France

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Idée nouvelle
Engels The superstar princess who had ...
The superstar princess who had grown to expect centerstage adoration seemed temporarily abandoned in the wings.
En Français de France

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans La princesse superstar qui avait...
Engels Cosmopolitan Fevrier 1985
She says she'll come just for the ride, because she wants to drive past her old flat in Earl's Court and get all sentimental about her carefree bachelor-girl day.
Bonjour et merci pour les traductions précédentes.
Je ne suis pas satisfaite de ma traduction personnelle pour cette phrase et j'aurais besoin de votre aide.
Merci beaucoup.
En français de France.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Cosmopolitan Février 1985
Engels WD nov 83
Perhaps wise after the event, he revealed that one of his nurses suspected the Princess was pregnant. "She had that bloom about her." he said.
ARTICLE DE Woman's day de novembre 1983. Merci pour les autres traductions A traduire en français de France. Merci

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Peut-être en le réalisant a ...
Engels For Diana, the days dwindle down to a precious...
For Diana, the days dwindle down to a precious few as she awaits her first baby

In terms of personality, she's a plumed hat, while he's a stuffed shirt.
Il s'agit de phrases que je n'arrive pas à traduire, extraites d'un article du magazine "US" (USA) de juin 1982.
Merci infiniment pour toutes les traductions.
A traduire en français de France

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Pour Diana,...
Engels Charles, by habit, fingered the ...
Charles, by habit, fingered the knot of his tie and pulled his shoulders back. Diana blushed and lowered her head. As they both moved forward to shake hands with the group of welcoming dignitaries. Diana looked so elegant and slim it hardly seemed possible that she was five months pregnant."Aren't we lucky to have such lovely weather?" - she said brightly.
SUITE DE L'ARTICLE DE GOOD Housekeeping. Mille mercis pour la traduction de la première partie.
A traduire en français de France. Merci

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Charles, par habitude, a trituré le noeud ...
Engels It was nine o'clock on a perfect summer's morning...
It was nine o'clock on a perfect summer's morning in Chester, England, and the people of the ancient city located 188 miles northwest of London were lining the streets five deep, excitedly awaiting the arrival of the Prince and Princess of Wales.
The Royal Couple was due to arrive at the town hall at 10:40 A.M. to start a four-hour tour of the area. But the street sweepers (we call them dust carts) had been out since seven cleaning the streets.
Il s'agit d'un article publié dans le magazine "Good housekeeping" de septembre 1984 à propos du Prince et de la Princesse de Galles. A traduire en français de France.
Je vous remercie infiniment par avance.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Il était neuf heures un matin d'été parfait à Chester,...